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    Dr. Deborah Bedor and College Admission Central: Personalized Advising and Unique Admissions Technology Tools

    Dr. Deborah Bedor and College Admission Central: Personalized Advising and Unique Admissions Technology Tools


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Service Delivery: Online
    • Location:Virtual
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    Two-time Amazon best-selling college admissions author and one of the most beloved and trusted college advisors and teen mentors in the nation, Dr. Deborah Bedor, will provide you with the unbiased advice and support you’ve been looking for. Her creative strategies and brilliant essay guidance will ensure you become a standout candidate for admission. If you want to tap into her expertise and leverage CACentral’s uniquely powerful resources, here’s your chance!

    QUESTION: What does it take to get accepted to a top college in today’s uncertain environment? Ask 10 people and you’ll get 10 different answers. But whom can you really trust? Who is actually providing unbiased advice and giving you the straight story? With the dramatic changes taking place in admissions now, it’s never been more important to work with an advisor/mentor who employs a modern approach and offers the latest tech-tools.

    College Admission Central is based on CEO Dr. Deborah Bedor’s three decades of college advising, personally guiding thousands of students from diverse backgrounds and abilities to acceptance at every Ivy League and Top Tier school in the nation. College Admission Central’s unique technology and suite of Admission Tools enable everyone, regardless of financial constraints, to gain the competitive advantage needed for acceptance at competitive colleges, universities, and professional programs.

    Getting accepted doesn't have to be confusing and stressful when you've got the newest college admission technology and a powerful team working for you!

    We offer comprehensive courses to help you with your college application journey. Our products and services include:

    • AdmissionMap: AdmissionMap gives you a step-by-step winning acceptance game plan and strategy. Modules cover high school course advice, test strategies, target college selection, big ideas for leadership opportunities, developing your talents, and more.
    • EssaySuite: EssaySuite is a total system to brainstorm, craft, polish, and organize your essays. Modules cover essay topics, your personal statement, activities essay, and school-specific essay. Sample essay critiques by AP English teachers and admission experts.
    • ResuMotiv: Grab the attention of admission officers with an elegant multimedia résumé. Combine videos, photos, music, and information to present your uniquely powerful living narrative, and let Admissions MEET you. Includes 12 months of high quality media hosting.
    • Pre-Med Advantage: An essential suite of tools and resources for acceptance at a top-tier pre-med program, BS/MD direct-med, or post-college medical school. Includes application essays, interview questions, and much more.
    • Comprehensive SAT/ACT Prep Course: Unlimited access to the most comprehensive self-paced online prep course covering both the SAT and ACT. Includes quizzes fully customized for your specific problem areas.
    • Science Research Writing Course: Get certified by completing this self-paced 10-week online course under the aegis of Nobel Laureates. Gain the essential skills to author a professional-grade research paper.
    • ScienceFairEdge: The science advantage you need: A multimedia video program by our ISEF-affiliated Research Science Director that takes you step by step through the process of beginning science research, finding a mentor, entering, and winning science competitions. 
    • Science Research Advising Consultation: Schedule a one-on-one session with College Admission Central's Science Research Coordinator. Brainstorm project ideas and receive guidance on research areas, mentoring, etc.
    • ...and more! Visit our website for more details.