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    ResuMotiv Multimedia R’esum’e Creator and Presenter

    ResuMotiv Multimedia R’esum’e Creator and Presenter


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: College Resources
    • Service Delivery: Online
    • Location:Virtual
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    Discover ResuMotiv™ – The Premier Admission Tool to Create & Share Your Multimedia College Résumé

    Showcase your high school career in living color! Imagine your talents, academic achievements, athletic prowess, and leadership skills all presented through a multimedia résumé admission officers will be eager to watch. The last thing they want to see is more plain text. Give them a ResuMotiv presentation and you'll get their attention!

    Just Drag & Drop Your VIdeos, Photos, Audios, PDF's, and Slides to Create an Awesome Presentation that'll WOW the Admissions Committee!

    • The ResuMotiv web app creates your own 100% custom multimedia resumé and presents it in the format busy admission officers appreciate: a fast-moving LIVING NARRATIVE of your talents and skills that can be viewed on their desktop, tablet, or smartphone
    • A single ResuMotiv weblink shows your complete, unique story and answers the crucial question: why YOU!
    • Every student can benefit by having a ResuMotiv multimedia resume, but it's ESSENTIAL for those in the fine and performing arts, athletics, debate, science fairs, or any other concentration that has a significant visual, audible, or motion aspect.
    • Easy to use and super powerful, the ResuMotiv tool enables even the technology-challenged to create a Hollywood-caliber presentation with drag-and-drop ease. Simply import your photos, graphics, videos, mp3's, pdf's and other resume-worthy materials, and ResuMotiv does all the hard work.
    • Don't have a lot of media to share? No problem. The built-in editor enables you to create PowerPoint-like slides with compelling animations to help tell your story. Style rules ensure a clean, professional look, even if you're not a graphic artist.
    • Robust, built-in hosting on our Tier-3 data center servers helps ensure smooth delivery of your media, even during peak traffic times – the downfall of many free hosting servers, even YouTube.
    • Your personalized weblink can be posted on your Facebook, LinkedIn or other social media platform. And remember, your ResuMotiv weblink is perfect for your email signature too.
    With ResuMotiv, Admissions Will SEE and HEAR Your Achievements, Your Talents, and Your Brilliance!