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    College Essay Advisors

    College Essay Advisors


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: College Resources
    • Sub-Categories: College Essay Guidance
    • Affiliations: National Association for College Admission Counseling
    • Service Delivery: Online
    • Location:Virtual
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    Our Uncommon Essay Approach is a step-by-step process that teaches students to brainstorm, freewrite, sculpt and polish their final drafts to a high shine. We know it works because we have been using it for over a decade.

    College Essay Advisors (CEA) is an online education company that provides admissions essay advising products and services to students around the world. Expert Senior Advisors work one-on-one with college applicants to help them craft compelling and effective essays. Our advising services help students reach their maximum potential and present their most polished and intriguing selves to an admissions board while taking the stress out of the essay writing process. Our online video course, College Essay Academy, offers students a self-paced, step-by-step overview of the writing process. CEA has helped students gain admission to a wide variety of academic institutions including members of the Ivy League and the Big Ten, private liberal arts universities, and everything in between. We approach each student's goals with a high level of expertise, an eye toward efficiency, and a healthy dose of fun.