Service Providers

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    College Planning USA

    College Planning USA


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: College Resources
    • Sub-Categories: College Funding, College Research
    • Service Delivery: In-Person, Online
    • Location:Virtual
    • Last Updated:June 2024
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    Our goal is to help students find the best college based on academic, social & financial fit. The team at College Planning USA helped families save almost $145,000,000 off their college bills last year. This was an average savings of $71,394 off the cost of college.  If you are interested in saving time, effort & money, and avoiding or lowering college related debt, College Planning USA will help you achieve your goals.

    For over a decade, we've successfully helped students and their families arrive at the right choice through proven techniques, starting with a career assessment to identify the right course of direction.  Working one on one with a dedicated coach, we can help to save you time, effort, and a lot of money.