Service Providers

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    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: College Resources
    • Sub-Categories: College Research
    • Affiliations: National Association for College Admission Counseling
    • Service Delivery: Online
    • Location:Virtual
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    COLLEGEdata has free tools to help you plan for college, including college & scholarship search engines, College Chances admission calculator, EFC & Net Price calculators, detailed college profiles, in-depth articles & Admissions Tracker, which charts thousands of real students’ admission decisions.

    Welcome to CollegeData Tools! Here you’ll find a comprehensive set of college planning tools to help you prepare, apply, and pay for college. These tools are designed to help you find the colleges that are right for you, calculate your admissions chances, discover who’s getting in where and how you compare, understand the true out-of-pocket costs of college, calculate and compare the amount of financial aid you may be eligible to receive at each college, explore scholarships, and much more.  We encourage you to use CollegeData Tools to help you make informed decisions about college and wish you great success along the way.