Service Providers

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    Emerge College Success Program

    Emerge College Success Program


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: College Resources
    • Affiliations: Independent Educational Consultant Association (IECA)
    • Service Delivery: In-Person, Online
    • Location:Virtual
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    Students participate as residents in Boise,Idaho, or in their own locale. The Emerge year provides students with the academic and social tools to be successful in a campus environment by developing positive relationships with our staff and utilizing their support skills. 

    Transitional support for Emerge students includes weekly individual mentoring and coaching sessions, as well as vocational and volunteer or internship development support. 

    Each college student’s success plan and ongoing support is individualized to provide for their unique interests and needs.  Andrew Bryan and Kylie Peters work directly with students and serves as a focal point in coordinating with both the student and the people they are additionally working with, as well as communicating with parents and referring professionals.

    Students are able to begin the Emerge experience in Boise, Idaho, or at a distance on a rolling basis. With connecting to a variety of positive volunteer, internship and vocational options, students can start their transition midterm while preparing for the next semester. Students also can benefit from college course options arranged through flexible start dates from within the Emerge program.