Service Providers

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    Future Stars College Counseling Center


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Sub-Categories: College Advisor
    • Affiliations: Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA)
    • Service Delivery: In-Person, Online
    • Location:Virtual
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    Future Stars has created a comprehensive program designed to both increase your child's success and decrease your family's stress throughout the college admissions process, helping students present themselves to colleges in an organized and confident fashion.

    The Future Stars formula is a three-part integration of education, personalized coaching, and application process management. We begin with empowering the family by providing an in-depth explanation of the admissions process and a personalized Connect Action Plan. Next, we guide both students and families through the high school experience with one-on-one meetings, forums, and unlimited phone and email coaching. The process continues as students are led by an expert through the admission steps, including everything from test preparation to application and essay completion. The program culminates with advice on choosing the student's best match college and celebrating the family's success.