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    Get Going College Admissions Workshops


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Sub-Categories: College Advisor
    • Service Delivery: In-Person
    • Location:Moraga, California
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    GG Workshops provides a catalyst for students to begin the transition from home to college. GG Workshops clients have the knowledge and confidence to take charge of their college applications. Starting early is a way to prevent stress.

    Almost every college asks its applicants to submit one or more essays. The essay, sometimes called the personal statement, presents an important opportunity for you to distinguish yourself from other applicants. Our "Essays That Shine" workshop provides a forum for you to probe your past and mine your experiences for the stories that best reveal your unique characteristics. We will help you find your voice so that your essay lingers in the minds of the admissions committee long after it has been read. This three-hour workshop will be team taught by Kate Augus and Joanne Levy-Prewitt. The essay created in the workshop will satisfy the majority of public and private college prompts.

    Filling in applications can be confusing. Having guided hundreds of students through the process, Get Going can make it easier for you as well! In this four hour workshop, you will have the chance to complete one or more of the following applications: University of California, Cal State, Common Application, or Out of State Public Schools (U Oregon, U Washington, U Colorado, etc.). Experience the joy of finishing your applications before many of your peers have even started! We will provide a follow up to-do list for completing the application process.