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    JEI Learning Centers

    JEI Learning Centers


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Tutoring and Test Prep
    • Sub-Categories: Academic Tutoring
    • Service Delivery: In-Person
    • Location:Los Angeles, California
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    JEI Learning Centers offers an innovative education system where children can study independently. With the help of JEI instructors, our kids learning center allows children to improve their skills in English, Math, Reading & Writing, and more.

    At JEI Learning Centers, we offer a unique and innovative education system where children can study independently. Our Self-Learning System ensures that children have the ability to become strong leaders of tomorrow by helping to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. With the help of JEI instructors, our kids learning center allows children to improve their skills in English, Math, Reading & Writing, and more. We have JEI learning centers all across the USA. Contact us today and see the difference we can make to your child's education!