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    JSS College Counseling


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Sub-Categories: College Advisor
    • Service Delivery: In-Person, Online
    • Location:Libertyville, Illinois
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    Jennifer Sparrow uses her 27 years of experience in higher education to assist high school and community-college students throughout the college search and application process.

    Ms. Sparrow believes that the college search process begins and ends with the individual student. The middle portion includes a varying amount of assistance from parents, counselors, teachers, friends and admission professionals. Consideration of academic institutions commences only after in-depth discussions and evaluation of interests, past activities, values, personality, and goals have occurred. Jennifer follows John Hollands' Personality and Career Match model when discussing college and career options. She also recommends maintaining an open mind throughout the selection process as over fifty percent of students change their initial declared majors prior to college graduation.