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    LifeLaunchr:  Write a Winning CommonApp or Coalition Application Essay

    LifeLaunchr: Write a Winning CommonApp or Coalition Application Essay


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: College Resources
    • Sub-Categories: College Research, College Essay Guidance
    • Affiliations: Higher Education Consultants Association (HECA), National Association for College Admission Counseling
    • Service Delivery: Online
    • Location:Virtual
    • Meeting: Schedule a Meeting
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    Hundreds of colleges nationwide use the CommonApp or Coalition Application essays as an essential part of their application review. This course helps you brainstorm, draft, and revise your CommonApp or Coalition Application essay quickly and effectively. The course offers expert help, including three 30-minute consultations and detailed written feedback, to help brainstorm, draft, and revise the essay. LifeLaunchr has years of expertise helping students create winning applications.


    In four weeks, you will:

    • Discover your values, character strengths, and the most important things you want to communicate in your application.
    • Identify your writing voice, so your essay sounds authentic and original.
    • Understand the CommonApp and Coalition Application essay prompts, so you can respond to the questions they ask.
    • Brainstorm themes and stories that communicate those themes.
    • Get expert help selecting a theme and the story that explores it so you can create a great first draft.
    • Create your first draft focused on content.
    • Receive feedback on openings, closings, and areas that need more detail.
    • Revise and update your essay with expert help.
    • Two full reviews of your essay are included in the course price.


    The course includes three 30-minute consultations with your LifeLaunchr coach. The three sessions will help you to

    • Discuss your self-discovery results and get started on your essay.
    • Discuss your brainstorming ideas and select a theme to explore.
    • Review your second draft and discuss content, structure, beginnings, endings, and polish.

    You’ll also get detailed written feedback on three other revisions. At every step, we will guide you step-by-step using a precise and detailed method that teaches you to write effectively in your authentic voice.


    Week One: Do the self-discovery course (included in the price of this course). Find Your writing voice. Understand the prompt. Brainstorm ideas. Meet with Your counselor to get feedback and choose a theme and story for your essay.

    Week Two: Choose and develop your theme. Free write. Create your first draft focused on content. Get detailed written feedback to add new details and answer questions.

    Week Three: Expand key detail areas. Review your openings and closings. Create your second draft. Meet with your counselor to get feedback on your second draft and review the content and structure.

    Week Four: Revise and update your essay. Create a third draft with content, structure, and flow. Get detailed written feedback from your counselor. Create your near-final draft. Get feedback on polish, grammar, and writing rules. Finalize your essay.

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