Service Providers

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    Pearl Glassman Educational Counseling; Inc.


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Sub-Categories: College Advisor
    • Affiliations: Independent Educational Consultant Association (IECA)
    • Service Delivery: In-Person, Online
    • Accreditation: IECA Professional Member
    • Location:Virtual
    • Last Updated:June 2024
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    Our role as Educational Counselors is to help reduce the stress and confusion students and their families face during the private school and college admissions process. Our 20 years of experience successfully assisting students and families with their educational choices can make a difference.

    Our extensive experience and knowledge of available options allows us to tailor a solution to the specific needs of the child. We meet with parents and students working as a team to understand the students goals and to outline a plan of action. As part of this plan, we: Provide a list of college/school options; Recommend secondary school courses and school programs; Advise on admissions testing (SAT, ACT, SSAT); Prepare students and their families for school visits; Advise on admissions protocol; Practice interview and presentation skills; Brainstorm and review essays; Coordinate preparation of applications; Prepare supplementary application materials; and follow-up upon acceptance and throughout the year.