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    Prepskills: Let’s get your child into your PERFECT private school

    Prepskills: Let’s get your child into your PERFECT private school


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Sub-Categories: College Advisor, Gap Year Advisor, Parenting Advisor, Secondary School Advisor, Summer Program Advisor, Therapeutic Advisor, Career Advisor, Financial Aid Advisor
    • Service Delivery: In-Person, Online
    • Location:Virtual
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    ATTN: Moms looking to get their child into a top private middle or high school…

    Did you know that ONLY 7% of kids in high school are able to join a private school?

    Most parents are frustrated with the public system and only focus on having the ‘perfect’ application, good grades, test scores, or nailing the interview.

    But that just makes the whole process even more stressful.

    And making sure that your child gets a coveted spot at an elite private school to ensure their future doesn’t have to be this way. See, while most parents are losing their minds trying to figure everything out…

    The parents I help are ensuring their child is accepted into their top pick private school, whether they’re transitioning from a public school OR another private school.

    Want to see EXACTLY what they’re doing to get their child into the right-fit private school, and setting them up for an incredible future?

    Then click below to register for my new online training.


    It’s 100% free, and reveals everything that’s needed for any parent who wants the best for their child’s education.
