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    Schools to Know


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Sub-Categories: College Advisor, Secondary School Advisor, Summer Program Advisor
    • Service Delivery: In-Person, Online
    • Location:Virtual
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    Educational consultant Tory Dodge has helped parents on Bermuda through the process for years through her company, Schools to Know. Ms Dodge, who lived in Bermuda for 10 years but has recently moved to New Hampshire, organises two boarding school fairs here each year.

    Schools to Know is a consulting and placement service available in the United States and Bermuda, designed to guide students and their families in making the important choices of: Traditional Boarding Schools _ college preparatory schools for grades 9-12, PG; Junior Boarding Schools _ boarding schools for the younger child _ ages 8-15; Specialized Boarding Schools and Programs; Day Schools Placements in the USA.Post Secondary / Young Adult Programs; GAP Year _ Enrichment Experiences; and Summer Camp and Enrichment Experience.