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    Solochek, Canter & Associates


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Sub-Categories: Therapeutic Advisor
    • Service Delivery: In-Person
    • Location:West Hills, California
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    Since the 80s, the team at Solochek, Canter, and Associates has been helping clients successfully navigate schools and programs. Parents and professionals rely on The SC Group for finding the right schools, navigating treatment, and managing crises for their children, adolescents, and young adults.

    The SC Group works together with prospective schools and programs by sharing information deemed appropriate to the process. Unless specifically told otherwise, before a parent ever interviews a school or program, their child will have been conditionally approved. 


    The SC Group typically has access to identifying the ages, issues, and additional specific information about the other participants that our students will be placed with. This information is considered crucial to our "Goodness of Fit" process. Your consultant will work with prospective schools and programs to match your child to a counselor or therapist with the specialized skills and training to support you and your family.