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    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Sub-Categories: Summer Program Advisor
    • Service Delivery: Online
    • Location:Newton, Massachusetts
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    Summer 365 is the leading consulting service specializing in sleepaway camps and overnight summer programs, trips, and travel for children and teens, ages 7-18. We’re a resource to parents year round with a customized and holistic approach to the search process.

    Our recommendations don’t come from a computer—they come from real people with real insider knowledge on over 500 top sleepaway camps and summer programs throughout the country and around the world. As moms and former campers, we know the importance of getting it right. The right match ensures your peace of mind—and a summer your child will never forget. Save time, money, and hassle. Call or click to speak with your personal Summer 365 Counselor today!