Service Providers

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    The College Beacon


    • Listing Type: Service Providers
    • Category: Independent Educational Consultant
    • Sub-Categories: College Advisor, Career Advisor, Financial Aid Advisor
    • Affiliations: Independent Educational Consultant Association (IECA)
    • Service Delivery: In-Person, Online
    • Accreditation: IECA Professional Member
    • Location:Virtual
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    The College Beacon firmly believes all college-bound students should carefully consider their many options and ultimately "love their list" as they begin applying.

    A personalized, balanced list of schools, with financial affordability as an integral component, will provide the greatest likelihood that students will land at an institution where they will be able to grow:

    • Academically
    • Emotionally
    • Physically
    • Socially
    • Spiritually

    Using this philosophy to find a right fit college helps ensure:
    1. Engagement on campus, which leads to life fulfillment and preparedness
    2. Higher likelihood of on-time graduation
    3. Minimal student debt by identifying colleges offering merit, talent, leadership, and/or need-based scholarships