Summer Programs

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    Blyth Academy Summer School

    Blyth Academy Summer School


    • Listing Type: Summer Programs
    • Program Delivery: Residential
    • Destination: Australia, Belgium, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Fiji, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Scotland, Galapagos Islands, Croatia, Hawaii
    • Provided By: Private School
    • Session Start: March, June, July, August
    • Session Length: One Week, Two Weeks, Four Weeks, Three Weeks
    • Entering Grade: 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, PG
    • Gender: Coed
    • Category: Academic
    • Sub-Categories: Mathematics, Humanities
    • Selective: Yes
    • Ages: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
    • Minimum Cost: $1,500 - $2,999
    • Career Clusters: Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
    • Credit Awarded: No
    • Location:Canada
    • Last Updated:July 2024
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    The Blyth Academy summer school program offers highly personalized and experiential learning. We give our students the opportunity to enhance their education with intensive, month-long high school courses in a wide array of subjects, including mathematics, science, english, and humanities. Choosing Blyth Academy for summer school allows students to benefit from our small class sizes and personalized approach, setting students up for a successful fall semester.

    The Blyth Academy summer school program is back at select Blyth Academy campuses offering highly personalized and experiential learning. We give our students the opportunity to enhance their education with intensive, month-long high school courses in a wide array of subjects, including mathematics, science, English, and humanities.

    Choosing Blyth Academy for summer school allows students to benefit from our small class sizes and personalized approach, setting students up for a successful fall semester.

    Small Class Sizes

    Our classes have an average size of 10 students. Educators can spend significant individualized time with each student while delivering a broad range of courses.


    Want to further your education remotely this summer while still being connected to classmates and a classroom experience? This summer, Blyth Academy is offering Virtual Summer School classes with Blyth Academy Orbit that mirror our regular in-class experience. What does that mean for students? They can now participate in daily virtual classes from home, the cottage, or anywhere there is Wi-Fi, at regularly scheduled times Monday to Friday. The classes, although virtual, allow students to visually and verbally partake in lessons led by a teacher, as well as contribute to class discussions and collaborate with peers in breakout groups online.

    Similar to our academically rigorous in-class lessons, our virtual classes are structured with set start and end times, and deadlines are established for assignments, tests, and final exams. Classes are live and conducted through Zoom video chat using a shared screen. Our teachers plan and execute lessons using PowerPoint, videos and white boards in real-time, allowing for students to have their questions answered directly. Extra one-on-one support from teachers is available during virtual office hours, as well as through email and recorded tutorials. All classes are recorded and made available within our online portal, giving students the ability to reference lessons when preparing for assignments and assessments.This year, enjoy your summer and earn a credit without the added commute. You can now log in to our virtual classroom to stay connected to peers and teachers wherever you may be.

    Reviews (12)

    • Blyth Italy Review: Great experience
      stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Jul/25/2018 by Cameron C

      So I just came back from the Italy trip, here I go.

      I would recommend this trip to anyone I meet, but I do have some quibbles. Those will be addressed later.

      The experience is great. You will meet lots of great people, but please, BE SOCIAL!! You shouldn't lock yourself in your room because you feel a bit awkward. I did that on multiple occasions (and regret it), but I still had a great time.

      I observed that many people came in groups of two, three, four. There were a few groups of people from schools and there were almost 10 (+) girls from Burlington. It can be a little tough when you come alone initially, but I made friends easily enough.

      Now, I will address each location individually.

      Siena: Nice enough town, though there isn't much to do aside from walk around, eat, and get drunk. Still, I liked Siena. Food and drinks were not too expensive, and you can get a lot of exercise there. The experience with your friends walking around can be very fun. It is a very pretty town, and if you are interested in photography, you'll love it.
      The hotel, Palace Due Ponti, was adequate. The shower was clean and worked well, though the tap on the sink was moody, taking a long time to get cold water. The beds were not very comfortable and the WiFi was terrible. The quality of the food varied on different days and there were never enough outlets in the room. The walls were paper thin and you could hear almost everyone next to and below you. Still, it never pretended to be what it wasn't. The rooms were clean and there were not many bugs, which you can't say for some hotels I've been in that were much more expensive. I preferred it to the one in Rome, but that's on a whole new level, and not in a good way.

      Florence: Tourist trap...okay, not really. The city was nice enough. The landmarks were pretty, but I don't really think that the area we were in was. Expensive food and drinks, but hey, the food was way better than Siena. Watch out for scammers that give you useless stuff and then demand money. Usually accompanied by a terrible sob story.
      Hotel Leonardo Da Vinci was where we stayed, and it was pretty good. Modern, nice rooms, nice hallways. However, our sink did not drain until we got it fixed. It is VERY quiet, which can be considered a blessing and a curse. You won't hear anyone else, but in can feel rather isolating. Great food, but as far as I know they only served breakfast.

      Sardinia: I'm unable to comment on the town we were close to, as I stayed in my room the entire time (regret it).

      The hotel, Geovillage Resort, is beautiful. The aircon did not work though. Good breakfast and dinner. However, I found the staff to be cold and having a short fuse. They were kind of difficult to deal with.

      Rome: Beautiful city center. Expensive down there. The area that we stayed in was kind of ugly in my opinion, but food and drinks were all cheap. 8 Euros for a full buffet? Yeah, give it to me. That was amazing.
      The hotel, Parco Tirreno, was not very good. Our room had dents, my bed broke twice, the lampshades were smashed, and the bathroom was horrifying. The white tiles had brown streaks, and you had to stand at the back of the tub because the front kept flexing for some reason. Ugh.

      Classes: I took Grade 12 English. We took it with a mixed 11/12 class, two teachers. The teachers were amazing. The work wasn't too difficult, but it was a lot of it. Anyhow, I feel like I did well.

    • My summer in Cozumel was...
      stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Jan/12/2015 by francesca

      My summer in Cozumel was truly one of the best experiences I've had. I went without knowing anyone which was initally a little scary. I was put into a room with another girl who didn't know anyone either. Within a couple of days, I knew everyone, many of which I am still friends with.

      I was able to get my PADI license, go wreck diving as well as night diving. We spent an afternoon at the Humane Society in Cozumel which was incredibly rewarding and really fun. The teachers on the program were wonderful. I was able to have individual attention and personalized learning which helped my success in the course.

      Blyth has a unique approach to learning while traveling. The organization and detail that went into the program made myself and my parents feel completely at ease. I highly recommend these programs.

    • Last summer was truly one...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Dec/28/2014 by Devon

      Last summer was truly one to remember. I got the wonderful opportunity to travel through Rome, Southern Italy, Athens, and many of the Greek islands. I had the time of my life, and yet I was studying the entire time.

      Personally, I found highschool a bit boring, the curriculum was too standardized, there was no opportunity to express myself or think/learn freely. I felt constricted. This all changed when I left to Rome and Greece to study Ancient Civilizations. For the first time in a very long time I felt happy about studying, the fact that I was studying historical events whilst experiencing these places first hand helped. I felt like I never wanted to leave, and my motivation increased immensely coming into the next school year.

      My favourite part of the entire trip was not the trip itself but the people I shared it with. I have never had a more caring, fun, motivational, and passionate teacher. I have never met anyone that I have become as close with in under a month than my classmates on the trip, I still keep in touch with them regularly, even though a lot of us are on opposite sides of the country.

      I would recommend a Blyth trip, whether it be Global High School or an International Summers to anyone. So they too can feel giddy about the trip more than a year later.

    • I travelled to Cozumel with...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Dec/28/2014 by Liam

      I travelled to Cozumel with Blyth during July 2014. I not only earned my math grade 12 high school credit, I also obtained my scuba license and saw some amazing underwater marine life. It was an awesome experience. The highlight of the program was swimming with whale sharks although I am so relieved and happy to have learned the math over the summer as it frees up a block in my schedule this year to take an extra science course

    • Studying French with Blyth was...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Dec/22/2014 by Alexandra

      Studying French with Blyth was one of the best choices I've made recently! Not only was I able to travel around France, I learned more skills in the language, and became more confident with my ability to speak, read, and understand what people were saying to me. After classes in the morning, my teacher would walk with us to buy a newspaper, a sandwich, or visit a museum. The fact that I was constantly learning new things was so exciting and by the end of the trip I was mostly fluent! Blyth has the right idea using experiential learning. The same experiences can happen with any course, in any part of the world, because it is so much more exciting visiting the site of a battle than reading about it, or reading a Shakespeare poem while sitting beside his theatre! The last thing I have to say about Blyth is that the program is not only about learning things for school, but for life. I matured so much on the trip, and met amazing friends in amazing places!

    • When I heard about Blyth's...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Dec/22/2014 by Katia

      When I heard about Blyth's International Summers programs, I jumped at the chance to go on the Grand Tour Europe program. The course I chose to take was Grade 11 English, which was the bet decision I made. Not only did we get to have classes in remarkable locations such as the parks of Zermatt or in front of the British Museum, but we got to write a journal entry at every location as part of our culminating assignment, which was something I really enjoyed. I learned a lot in that class and a lot of it was due to the smaller number of students in the class. I went on the trip by myself, which was by far the best decision I made. I made so many friends that I am still in contact with today. It was the best experience I could have ever had and I'm so glad I took this opportunity.

    • I caught the travel bug...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Dec/22/2014 by Alexandrea

      I caught the travel bug in the ninth grade after I took part in a school trip to Europe. I had never traveled before and I had such a desire to see the world, try new food and experience new things. My school trip was only ten days and I really wanted to travel for a longer period of time. I had thought about a three month exchange however the potential of needing to stay back a year in high school did not impress me. After coming across Blyth International Summers, I knew that it was the fit for me. I loved the idea of being able to travel for a month, gain a school credit and meet new friends from all over.

      After spending a week abroad, I had made what I feel will be life long friends. Not only with my fellow classmates but also with the incredible teachers. The teachers go out of their way to incorporate the class studies into the history and landscape of the countries you travel to. Although they are always a phone call away they also give you a large sense of independence. I absolutely loved my travels with Blyth and if I could, I would be a life long participant. Throughout my experience I gained insight into different cultures around the world, met incredible individuals and made memories that will last a lifetime. One of my personal favourites was hot air ballooning over the vineyards' in Dijon, France. It was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity. I would recommend a Blyth trip to any student with the desire to be pushed out of their comfort zone, see the world and have one of the best months of their life.

    • My International Summers program to...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Dec/22/2014 by Brittany

      My 2014 International Summers program to Eastern Europe and Scandinavia was one of the best experiences I have ever had! Being able to travel to five different countries and earn a credit while I was there was definitely an opportunity I have never had before. Even though I went by myself, I was able to make friends right away because most of the students also went alone. My group was really small, only sixteen, so we were really able to connect with each other and become good friends! We have already had multiple reunions! One aspect that I really enjoyed on this trip was the way academics were taught. While we were in Poland, we went to Jewish memorials, Schindler's factory and Auschwitz-Birkenau Concentration Camp where we had classes, while touring the area. It was incredible to be standing at the desk where heroic figures like Oskar Schindler sat and created a list of people he eventually saved. As well, it was incredibly overwhelming to be walking the grounds where thousands of innocent prisoners were tortured. Equally, it was amazing to be sitting and learning about royalty and power, while standing in such detailed and beautiful palaces. My teacher really took the time to teach his students about the history that surrounded us. He planned extra excursions to learn about communism while riding in travants and about the Russian Revolution in a Russian submarine! This way of learning really allowed me to understand the content and remember it, even months later. The teachers, staff, students and places we went to were incredible and I felt very safe and comfortable. Overall, my international summers experience was the best trip I could have ever had!

    • Last summer I spent three...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Dec/22/2014 by Marisol

      Last summer I spent three weeks in Cozumel, Mexico taking Grade 11 Biology with the Blyth International Summers Program. Before taking part in the trip, biology was one of my worst subjects and my least favourite science, but this learning experience helped me engage in the subject matter. Because I was taking biology in a region known for its biodiversity and ecology, the subject matter being taught in class was brought to life in the real world. We went on a few class excursions snorkelling and observing the wildlife and also went to a ecological reserved whose objective is to save to baby turtles from predators. The optional excursions were also very cool! I did three of them: visiting Chichen Itza, swimming with whale sharks and receiving my scuba diving certification (PADI). Even on the optional excursions I had amazing learning opportunities.

      Since Blyth's main goal is providing an academic experience, there are many other benefits to studying abroad. I went to a country that I had never been to before with people I had never met. That in itself is a challenge, but the Blyth staff and teachers are so supportive and amazing. I met so many new friends including my best friend who lives in Toronto while I live in Ottawa. I had experiences with those people that I would never have with my friends from home and I cherish those memories so much. I also praise the teachers for the work that they do: teaching a course in three weeks in another county is really difficult and they do an amazing job. They understand that the students want to explore the city and relax but the academic part is always the priority: Blyth summers are not a vacation.

      I really appreciate what Blyth does because I believe it's really important for young people to explore the world in their own way: why not do it while studying a high school course? I had the time of my life and I hope I will have the opportunity to do it again.

    • My trip with Blyth was...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Dec/22/2014 by Teeghan

      My trip with Blyth was a truly amazing experience. I was a part of the Grand Tour Europe trip of July 2013 and haven't been the same since.? My trip was defiantly an active one; we visited 6 countries in 4 weeks! It was a wild ride that's for sure but it never felt rushed and because everyone you are with is on this crazy European adventure with you, they generally are the same kind of person you are, bold and game for anything. The nature of my trip also required the teachers to be the same kind of people as the students and very adaptable and understanding. Instead of being taught like you are in a normal classroom environment the teachers would use different teaching methods that really brought the curriculum to life. I can remember reading Macbeth outside a British Museum and to help us understand the placement of the characters in Macbeth's manor my teacher used different windows of the museum to give us an idea of what the layout might have been in real life.
      On the trip I got to see, hear and experience countless different things that had I not gone on away with Blyth I would never have been able to. Hot air balloon rides at sunrise, beach days in Cinque Terre, hiking the Swiss Alps, visiting The Globe theatre and making lifelong friends. All of these opportunities have helped me learn more about my interests and who I am as a person as well as heightened my desire to learn and travel.

    • This past summer I went...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Dec/22/2014 by Elizabeth

      This past summer, I went on the Amazon and Galapagos trip, taking grade eleven biology. I really enjoyed the set-up of classes. Class material was well-prepared and organized. Being able to do my culminating assignment before the trip departed was also very helpful as it gave me more time to prepare for it. Being in the Galapagos Islands made the evolution unit come alive; our class was able to see the examples from the textbook firsthand. Having the balance of classes with fun activities that related to what we were learning in class helped us connect more to the material. I highly recommend the Blyth International Summers programs.

    • While travelling around Europe for...
      stars stars stars stars stars
      Reviewed on Dec/22/2014 by Nicole

      While travelling around Europe for 6 weeks I was introduced to some of the most incredible people I have met in my entire life. If it weren't for my summer trip I wouldn't have met some of the people I now call my best friends. Since we were from all different places we were all very interested in getting to know each other and quickly became the best of friends. With everyone having different interests we all got to try new things and discovered new talents that were hidden within ourselves. From climbing up the Eiffel Tower to wandering the streets of Barcelona I made unforgettable memories with unforgettable people!