Summer Programs

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    Cedarville University: Geology Camp


    • Listing Type: Summer Programs
    • Program Delivery: Residential
    • Destination: United States
    • Provided By: College
    • Session Start: July
    • Session Length: One Week
    • Entering Grade: 10th, 11th, 12th, PG
    • Gender: Coed
    • Category: STEM
    • Sub-Categories: STEM, Geology, Environmental Science
    • Selective: No
    • Ages: 16, 17, 18
    • Minimum Cost: <$500
    • Career Clusters: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
    • Credit Awarded: No
    • Location:Cedarville, Ohio
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    The Cedarville University Geology Camp will cover a wide variety of geologic topics. Open to Christian students entering 10th through 12th grades, or incoming freshmen to Cedarville University. Find out more!

    Geology Camp will cover a wide variety of geologic topics. The schedule will include a field trip each day to a location in Ohio or Northern Kentucky.  Sites to be visited may include the Creation Museum in KY, fossil collecting sites, nearby gorges and parks, the Ohio Caverns, and an impact crater site.  Time will be spent in discussing dinosaurs, fossils, and the Bible.  Participants will learn how to do laboratory tests to characterize minerals and rocks.  Fun and relaxing evening activities will also occur, both on and off campus.

    The camp instructor is Assistant Professor of Geology Tom Rice, who has degrees and work experience in both geology and engineering.  Prior to coming to Cedarville University in 2011, Mr. Rice spent over 30 years working in government research, academia, industry, and as a consultant.  Most of those years were spent doing work in the natural gas industry as a geologist, environmentalist, and engineer.  He has worked from Virginia to Arctic Alaska and many places in-between and has done marine geology work in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf.  He is a registered professional geologist.  Two upperclassmen geology students will assist with the camp activities.

    Campers will get to meet current Cedarville geology students and learn more about studying this fascinating subject at Cedarville. Geology is the science where God’s Creation is revealed in its most spectacular glory.