Summer Academy
The Summer Academy is a high school pre-college program for rising grades 9-12. The program is held as two one-week intensives in July. Courses are taught by Centenary University Professors. Select programs taught by industry professionals.
Summer Academy: Commuications Arts
Communication Arts: Are You an Influencer or Are You Easily Influenced?
A Focus on the History of Pop Culture and the Influence of Social Media in Society
How have you been impacted by popular culture?What role does pop culture play in our understanding of social media?How does a person on social media develop a following?
During this session, you will spend a week with the faculty from Centenary University’s School of Education and Humanities to learn important aspects of pop culture on our society and develop creative, imaginative, and innovative projects that integrate the arts and technology. From developing content for video-based and social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, X (Twitter) and TikTok to analyzing the history and influence of pop culture in our everyday lives, participants will have the opportunity to analyze the trends, meet current influencers, and construct engaging activities to meet their individual interests.
Instructors: Professors Chrusz and Professor Turrisi
Centenary University Department of Education
Please visit our website for more information on costs and sessions!