Summer Programs

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    • "I valued that the course was collaborative and felt like the students were working together as a team. I also found it valuable that the teachers and TAs were so supportive and helped provide guidance in all aspects of the coursework. I thought that the labs were especially valuable because I enjoyed getting to complete hands-on tasks. I also thought working on the final project was very valuable because it provided an opportunity to use teamwork and brainstorm ideas as we designed and built our final project."

      - Jane (she/her), Robotics: - August 9, 2024
    • "I found the guest lectures the most valuable. I had insight into what a career in biotech engineering would look like and became inspired with all the discoveries people were making in their labs. This was a very unique experience. Also, I found the second half of the program valuable as that was information that I hadn't come across before whereas the first half is covered in APBio which I'm sure many students in the class had already taken"

      - Chloe (she/her), Bioengineering - August 3, 2024
    • "This course taught me many skills in using Maya software. Professor Mark showed me how to build a model from scratch, specifically a character model. This experience has been incredibly valuable, giving me the ability to independently create character models and sparking a greater interest in the field of Digital Media Design."

      - Xu (he/him), Computer Graphics - August 8, 2024
    • "I liked how each of our lectures had corresponding coding exercises right after it in the afternoon. I enjoyed spending a lot of time coding different things, from small exercises to bigger projects. I believe it's essential to practice a lot in order to get better at reading and writing code, so I appreciate how the program designed big chunks of practice time."

      - Cindy (she/her), Computer Science - August 1, 2024
    • "I learned how to manage my time academically while still making the most out of an experience with people I loved. I also gained a better understanding of what higher education in terms of engineering could look like, an incredibly valuable takeaway as I look towards my future."

      - Rowan (she/her), Artificial Intelligence - August 1, 2024
    • "The key word for my gain from this program is limitlessness. Not only because of the technology of nanotech, which thus developed tons of techniques such as nanofabrication that greatly changed the whole world, but also due to all those professors' lectures and teaching. My main professor, Dr. Kim, he inspired me that nano is a field with no limitations, there are countless ways to reach your goal, for instance, the method to lithograph the shape on to the silicon wafer is not fixed, we have positive and negative photoresist and so many different etching techniques which are all excellent according to different usage. This is so valuable even outside the field of nanotech, since if any of the scientists or engineers put limitations for themselves, we won't have today's development. Other than that, the invited speakers also broaden my horizon, they perfectly explained what limitlessness is, it's my first time to even have the idea that nanotech can be used in space-life detection."

      - Youcheng (he/him), Nanotechnology - August 8, 2024