Are you ready to make a meaningful change this summer? Volunteer in elementary schools to help local children enhance their English skills. Contribute to each school's needs by participating in facility improvements. You'll split your time between teaching and campus refurbishment projects, while gaining valuable insights into education in Ghana. Plus, keep up with the kids as they invite you to play soccer and join in on schoolyard games after class!
Dive into the vibrant world of batik cloth dyeing, drumming workshops, and an introductory course in the native language. You’ll also have the chance to participate in a traditional Ghanaian naming ceremony, where you’ll discover the cultural significance of names and their profound ties to identity and heritage. Additionally, you can visit a seamstress to have custom-made, traditional Ghanaian clothing created from fabrics you choose. Engage with local experts about traditional gender roles and education in Ghana. Students will explore the country’s history as a center of the global slave trade through a visit to the powerful Fort Prinzenstein, sparking meaningful discussions about global history.