Summer Programs

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    Immerse Education Summer Programmes: Business Management (In-Person & Online)

    Immerse Education Summer Programmes: Business Management (In-Person & Online)


    • Listing Type: Summer Programs
    • Program Delivery: Residential, Online
    • Destination: Australia, United Kingdom
    • Provided By: Independent Provider
    • Session Length: Two Weeks, Four Weeks, Two Months
    • Entering Grade: 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Gender: Coed
    • Category: Business/Entrepreneurship
    • Sub-Categories: Leadership, Career Exploration
    • Selective: No
    • Ages: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
    • Minimum Cost: $3,000 - $6,999
    • Career Clusters: Business Management and Administration
    • Credit Awarded: No
    • Meeting: Schedule a Meeting
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    Immerse Education's Summer Programmes are great for students aged 13-18 with a keen interest in exploring a career in Business Management. Programmes range in length from 2 to 8 weeks and are offered in Cambridge, London, Oxford, Sydney, or online.

    Our offerings include:

    Business Management Academic Insights: Residential Program in Cambridge, ages 13-15 years old
    The Business Management Summer School for 13-15 year olds introduces students to the key principles and structures of a business. You will draw upon your existing creativity to explore project management, organisational behaviour and different management styles for a variety of contexts. You will also be introduced to Management theory and how academics conduct research to contribute to this field.

    Business Management Academic Insights: Residential Program in Cambridge, ages 16-18 years old
    For 16-18 year olds interested in studying business-related subjects, our summer programme in Cambridge offers an exciting opportunity to get to grips with advanced content in advance of university study. Surrounded by centuries of academic prestige, you will study theory and case studies central to success as a manager and discuss content typically encountered during an undergraduate degree.

    Business Management Career Insights: Residential Program in London, ages 16-18 years old
    Gain industry-focused experience, taught by professionals in the heart of London. Do you have your sights set on a career in business? The Immerse Education Business Management summer programme will introduce you to the world of opportunities in the subject, using project-based learning and practical study. You will research and explore real-world issues, working alongside other academically talented participants to innovate and pitch a groundbreaking solution.

    Business Management Academic Insights: Residential Program in Oxford, ages 13-15 years old
    The Business Management Summer School for 13-15 year olds introduces students to the key principles and structures of a business. You will draw upon your existing creativity to explore project management, organisational behaviour and different management styles for a variety of contexts. You will also be introduced to Management theory and how academics conduct research to contribute to this field.

    Business Management Academic Insights: Residential Program in Oxford, ages 16-18 years old
    Explore a variety of university-level Business Management themes in the surroundings of a beautiful Oxford University college. A perfect course for students interested in discovering the world of business.

    Business Management Academic Insights: Residential Program in Sydney, ages 13-15 years old
    The Business Management Summer School for 13-15 year olds introduces students to the key principles and structures of a business. You will draw upon your existing creativity to explore project management, organisational behaviour and different management styles for a variety of contexts. You will also be introduced to Management theory and how academics conduct research to contribute to this field.

    Business Management Academic Insights: Residential Program in Sydney, ages 16-18 years old
    Explore a variety of university-level Business Management themes in the surroundings of a beautiful University of Sydney college. A perfect course for students interested in discovering the world of business.

    Business Management Ivy League 1:1 Research Programme: Online, ages 13-18 years old
    Take your business knowledge to the next level with our highly sought-after online research programme. Delve into your chosen Business Management topic with tailored 1:1 tuition from an expert Ivy League tutor and elevate your writing skills for university-level research projects in the future.

    Business Management Online Insights, ages 13-18 years old
    If you’re considering a career in business or you’re set on taking the subject for higher education study, this is the ideal programme for an introduction into business studies at university-level. Learn from a gifted Oxbridge tutor, and gain a firmer understanding of subjects like the marketing mix, corporate leadership, and modern business organisations in an online group learning setting.

    Business Management Oxbridge 1:1 Research Programme: Online, ages 13-18 years old
    With our Oxbridge Online Research Programme in Business Management, you will have the opportunity to experience personal tuition from a talented Oxbridge tutor in your field of interest. By the end of the programme, you will have developed your writing skills through the completion of an extended essay on your subject of choice.

    Visit our website to learn more!