Summer Programs

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    Immerse Education Summer Programmes: Law (In-Person & Online)

    Immerse Education Summer Programmes: Law (In-Person & Online)


    • Listing Type: Summer Programs
    • Program Delivery: Residential, Online
    • Destination: United Kingdom
    • Provided By: Independent Provider
    • Session Length: Two Weeks, Four Weeks, Two Months
    • Entering Grade: 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th
    • Gender: Coed
    • Category: Academic
    • Sub-Categories: Law
    • Selective: No
    • Ages: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
    • Minimum Cost: $3,000 - $6,999
    • Career Clusters: Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security
    • Credit Awarded: No
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    Immerse Education's Summer Programmes are great for students aged 13-18 with a keen interest in exploring a career in Law. Programmes range in length from 2 to 8 weeks and are offered in Cambridge, Oxford, London, or online.

    Our offerings include:

    Law Academic Insights: Cambridge
    Our Law summer programme in Cambridge provides you with an exciting first look into the discipline of law and introduction to key concepts and skills that can be transferred to a vast array of future opportunities. 13-15 years old

    Law Academic Insights: Cambridge
    Explore the variety of sub-disciplines available to a law student in the UK and take part in a mock law trial to experience theory in practice - all whilst developing the key analytical skills required for any legal professional. 16-18 years old

    Law Career Insights: London
    Learn from experts in the field of Law and receive practical feedback and personal career coaching to prepare you for future success. 16-18 years old

    Law Academic Insights: Oxford
    Our Law summer programme in Oxford provides you with an exciting first look into the discipline of law and introduction to key concepts and skills that can be transferred to a vast array of future opportunities. 13-15 years old

    Law Academic Insights: Oxford
    The Law department at Oxford University is rated as the best in the world. What better place for an aspiring young lawyer to explore this vocational subject? For a motivated high school student, Oxford’s academic heritage and law school prestige make for a truly inspiring environment in which to explore the world of possibilities available in law. 16-18 years old

    Law Ivy League 1:1 Research Programme: Online
    Our 2 - 8 week online research programme is led by an expert Ivy League tutor who will not only teach you the key principles of Law at university level, but also guide you in writing a high standard essay on your research topic. You will be matched with a law tutor with expertise in your field, while gaining stand-out tuition on subjects like criminal law, human rights and international law. 13-18 years old

    Law Online Insights: Online
    Be led on an exciting deep dive into the field of Law from any location around the world. Receive online tutoring from an expert at the University of Cambridge or Oxford and explore interesting subjects like criminal law, constitutional law and human rights at university level. Together with your peers, experience an online academic and social experience to remember. 13-18 years old

    Law Oxbridge 1:1 Research Programme: Online
    Receive the intensive preparation you need to study law at leading universities with 1:1 tuition from a world-class Oxbridge tutor. Through our Online Oxbridge Research Programme, you will receive a combination of structured tutoring on such subjects like criminal law and human rights, while also having the special opportunity to delve into your research topic. By the end of the 2-8 week programme you will have developed the confidence to deliver an extensive research essay. 13-18 years old

    View our website to learn more!