veriii is an unrivaled opportunity to learn valuable research skills and improve your credentials for future college/university applications. Throughout the 12-week veriii program, you'll take classes and work with a professor from a top U.S. or U.K. university to complete an independent research project, write a university-level research paper, and earn an evaluation letter to help you stand out to admissions officers.
About veriii:
The veriii Research Skills Certificate Program has been meticulously designed by professors from leading U.S. and U.K. universities and is delivered by KSE Global Education, which has offered personalized academic enrichment programs for over 10 years.
In this 12-week, completely online program, you will register to be part of a class of 3–6 students taught by an experienced professor in a specific academic area (e.g. biology, engineering, business, psychology etc.). During the course, you'll choose a research topic, conduct independent research under the personalized guidance of the professor, and complete a college-level research paper. The course also offers live classes with the professor, self-study videos, assigned readings, and a wide of range of other materials to help you learn research skills and complete the research project and paper.
veriii is designed to follow a Formative Learning Assessment (FLA) process. This means that you will be evaluated and receive feedback continuously as you progress through the program, helping you improve your research project and better understand what you are learning. It differs from a traditional test, in which you receive a score on your performance in a single day. Because testing through learning is more than just test scores.
veriii's Formative Learning Assessment results in a more meaningful and accurate assessment of your abilities while helping you identify your strengths and areas for improvement, thus enhancing your research skills and aptitude throughout your veriii learning journey. These skills will serve you well in a rigorous college environment, in graduate studies, and in your professional career.
Program Details:
- Class Size: 3 to 6 students
- Duration: 12 weeks
- Total Program Hours: 48-68 Hours
- Total Live Professor Sessions: 8 hours
- Recommended Independent Research Hours: Approx. 34-54 Hours
Universities where veriii professors come from:
- Columbia University
- Yale University
- Princeton University
- Brown University
- Cambridge University
- Oxford University
- Duke University
- Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)
- University College London (UCL)
- ...and more!
Benefits of the veriii Research Skills Certificate Program:
- Acquire research skills grounded in scientific, critical thinking
- Stand out with confidence to admissions officers at top universities
- Gain prominence by choosing to publish your research paper
- Learn from and be guided by accomplished U.S. and U.K. university professors
What you get from the veriii Research Skills Certificate Program:
- Certificate of Completion
- Evaluation Report: Output Score, Process Score, and Narrative Evaluation
- Evaluation Letter from the Professor
- Delivery and Sharing of veriii Credentials
Sample of Courses Available:
- Inference for Data Science
- How People Vary: Typical and Atypical Variation
- The Forms of Poetry
- Global Feminisms
- Literature and The Visual Arts
- Modern Literature: Experiment and Innovation
- Formation of Business Entities
- The Social World
- Economic Analysis for Modern-Day Managers
- Religion, Politics, and Culture in America
- Research Interviewing
veriii is offered year-round in three different terms: Spring (January-May), Summer (May-August), and Fall (September-December). Thanks to veriii's small, intimate class sizes, professors can adjust weekly times to accommodate the schedules of each student.
For more information on veriii course dates, deadlines, and subjects, please visit