Summer Programs

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    SOCAPA Acting, Drama & Musical Theater Camps-New York City, Los Angeles, CA & Vermont

    SOCAPA Acting, Drama & Musical Theater Camps-New York City, Los Angeles, CA & Vermont


    • Listing Type: Summer Programs
    • Program Delivery: Day, Residential
    • Destination: United States
    • Provided By: College, Private School, Independent Provider
    • Session Start: June, July
    • Session Length: One Week, Two Weeks, Six Weeks, Three Weeks, Five Weeks
    • Entering Grade: 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, PG
    • Gender: Coed
    • Category: Performing & Visual Arts
    • Sub-Categories: Multi-Arts, Theatre Arts, Musical Theatre Arts, Arts, Acting, Singing/ Vocal Training
    • Selective: No
    • Ages: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
    • Minimum Cost: $1,500 - $2,999
    • Career Clusters: Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications
    • Credit Awarded: No
    • Call: 800-718-ARTS ext. 101
    • Location:United States
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    Star in your friends' films this summer! Immerse yourself in the world of acting this summer at SOCAPA Acting Camps. SOCAPA Acting is hands-on and fast-paced. Each week of camp is a balance between in-class exercises, acting in student films and summer fun. On nights and weekends, SOCAPA's residential staff arrange trips and evening activities so that students can put work aside and just have fun!

    Classes are designed to prepare our students for being on camera as quickly as possible. Many acting schools will spend weeks, months, even years on theater games and exercises before they give their students actual scenes to work on. At SOCAPA, we instead choose to prepare you immediately for the films you will be performing in during the program and the auditions you will be going on once you graduate.

    SOCAPA’s Acting Program is closely tied to our Filmmaking Programs. When the filmmaking students go out to make their assigned films each week, they utilize the talent in the Acting Program to bring their stories to life. This provides our acting students with immediate on-camera experience and allows them to walk away from the program with an online portfolio of films in which they have performed.

    From NYU to Pace University, Occidental College, and Champlain College, all of SOCAPA’s programs are run directly on college campuses, using the classrooms, dormitories, and facilities of undergraduates. Residential SOCAPA students enjoy the emerging independence of dorm life together with roommates and floormates under the supervision of SOCAPA’s staff.


    • Our daughter has attended the SOCAPA Acting camp for the past two summers in Vermont. The first year was such an amazing experience for her she couldn't wait to return the second summer. The staff at SOCAPA are dedicated and truly supportive. SOCAPA inspired our daughter, improved her confidence, and gave her the opportunity to make lasting friendships. This summer she will return to SOCAPA once again but will be attending the NYC campus with friends that she has made over the past two years. Thank you SOCAPA for this exceptional program!

      - Tanya K - April 2, 2023
    • I went to the 3 week program for Acting. My mom found SOCAPA through facebook and after thinking about it for a little bit my parents let me go! When I got there I was a little nervous but then I met my roommate and now my best friend. Through out the three weeks I met many people from all over the world and we all became almost like a little family. I have SOCAPA to thank because if I hadn’t gone to SOCAPA I wouldn’t have met some of my closest friends. During these three weeks we got to be in many different short films and I was even lucky enough to be in a music video! Every day the staff made wonderful meals for us and we had so many different options to pick from. On the weekends our R/A’s would bring us places like the arcade, swimming, and even the trampoline park! On one of the nights we even did karaoke! Through out the week on some of the nights after filming or class we were able to go to church street to eat dinner and go out shopping! The R/A’s treated us like their family and they were so kind! When we weren’t filming or out on adventures we were in class! In our classes we learned so many different skills and techniques! We had an amazing teacher that got us ready for every show case! We would make live scenes to preform at the show cases and it was so much fun!!! Overall this was an experience that I will never forget and i’m so excited to go back for SOCAPA 2022!!! I made so many friends and memories! Thank you SOCAPA! I can’t wait to make more memories!

      - Savannah LaValley - November 15, 2021
    • My son Evan attended the one-week Core Acting Camp in Manhattan last summer, and it was quite literally life-changing. Growing up in rural Nebraska, and involved in community and school theater since an early age, Evan wanted an experience to stretch to new levels and found it in SOCAPA. He learned so much, had great new experiences and made friends that he has continued to be in touch with all of this year. As a parent, I had natural trepidations about his experience so far away from home and the folks at SOCAPA were great about putting me in touch with parents and participants from previous years to find out more about the program and allay any concerns that I had. Staff was unfailingly responsive and helpful before, during, and after this experience. Evan plans to return this summer for a longer and more advanced camp experience.

      - Catherine Jones-Hazledine - December 24, 2019
    • I have made some of my greatest friends at this camp. Not only are the teachers absolutely incredible, but everyone is overwhelmingly supportive. Everyone here wants the best for you, and sees potential in every last person. Last summer, I learned more about acting than I have in my entire life. Maddy, my instructor, became one of my best friends. I looked up to her like she was my older, wiser, more knowledgable sister. Not only was she insanely talented, but also very down to earth. She helped me find myself, which allowed me to tap into emotions that I didn't even know I possessed. I strongly recommend this summer camp. The Vermont environment is quite peaceful and relaxing, which allowed me the ability to be able to concentrate on the art I was studying. Especially in the advanced programs, everyone is serious about their work. If you are looking for a summer camp in which you can further a craft that you are truly passionate about, this is the place for you. As an Eagle Scout, on my honor, you can trust me when I say that going here will having a profound impact on you for the rest of your life. Go.

      - Tommy McCabe - April 13, 2019
    • We were looking for a summer camp for my daughter who loves acting and found Socapa. I was a little nervous at first sending her out of state for three weeks at only 13. I’m so happy we sent her it was the best three weeks of her life!!!! They had everything there she needed and we were able to visit. She had an amazing roommate who she now talks to daily! She made friends from around the world they honestly became a little family. They were taken on outings while they were there. Socapa definitely exceeded my expectations!!! I can’t believe what my daughter learnt in 3 weeks!!!! They had a showcase at the end and I was blown away by the work these kids did it was truly amazing!!! The staff was absolutely amazing and they treated the kids like their own!! I wish we would have found this place sooner!!! My daughter can’t wait to go back this summer and we look forward to all the new experience and life time friends she will make!! Sending her was by far the best decision we’ve ever made!!!! Thank you Socapa!!!!

      - Melissa Wrisley - November 15, 2021