Summer Programs

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    Spelman College Summer Programs: Early College Program


    • Listing Type: Summer Programs
    • Program Delivery: Residential
    • Destination: United States
    • Provided By: College
    • Session Start: June
    • Session Length: Four Weeks
    • Entering Grade: 11th
    • Gender: Girls Only
    • Category: Academic
    • Sub-Categories: Literature, Mathematics, Biology
    • Selective: No
    • Ages: 16, 17
    • Minimum Cost: $3,000 - $6,999
    • Career Clusters: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
    • Credit Awarded: Yes
    • Location:Atlanta, Georgia
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    The Early College Program (ECP) is a four-week residential program for female high school students, who are currently in the 11th grade, and are seeking an early college experience. ECP is an intense academic program that offers college credit courses in English, Biology, Dance and Math.

    Since 1989 ECP has been chosen as the program to launch the college career of hundreds of exceptional young scholars. ECP is an intense academic program that offers college credit courses in English or Biology for current high school juniors. 

    Eligible students may select and attend one of the following modules:

    ECP English 101 offers a college credit course in first year composition earning four (4) credits. This course provides opportunities for the student to learn how to read, think and write critically in preparation for a First-Year Composition course. The course emphasizes analysis, logical fallacies, reasoning and writing under a timed circumstance.  

    ECP Biology 100 offers a college credit course in The Biology of Women earning four (4) credits. This course provides perspectives on the distinct biology of women. The roles of science in society and women’s empowerment through knowledge of their bodies will be examined. The course features lectures and laboratory. 

    ECP Dance 132 offers a college credit course earning (4) college credits. Students will learn the basic elements of dance (body, space, time, effort, action) to make connections with the body and understand space. Students will use prompts and in class exercises to explore creative practices through contemporary modern movement. This course will provide students with an understanding of weight, breath, and body alignment for more efficient movement practices in dance. 

    ECP Math 107 offers a college credit course earning (4) college credits. Students will be introduced to critical thinking and principles of reasoning, logic and analyzing arguments, uses and abuses of percentages and proportions, consumer mathematics, mathematical models, and elementary probability and statistics. Emphasis is given on applications, mathematics in the media, and problem solving.