Summer Programs

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    The Island School Summer Term for High School Students

    The Island School Summer Term for High School Students


    • Listing Type: Summer Programs
    • Program Delivery: Residential
    • Destination: Bahamas
    • Provided By: Independent Provider
    • Session Start: June
    • Session Length: Six Weeks
    • Entering Grade: 10th, 11th
    • Gender: Coed
    • Category: Outdoor Adventure
    • Sub-Categories: Marine Biology, Animals/Nature, Swimming
    • Selective: No
    • Ages: 15, 16, 17
    • Minimum Cost: > $7,000+
    • Credit Awarded: No
    • Location:Bahamas
    • Last Updated:June 2024
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    The Island School Summer Term is a 6-week intensive program focused on leadership, ecology, research, and sustainable development. Issues of equality, economics, culture, and policy as related to The Bahamas will be explored. 

    The Summer Term is available to high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors (you must apply as a current freshman, sophomore, or junior).

    Students will be introduced to marine research at the Cape Eleuthera Institute engaging in studies crucial to understanding our planet's ocean ecosystems and working with our innovations team to understand environment management practices. Every participant will leave with a greater understanding of, and admiration for, the world around them — inspired to make their home community more sustainable. Many students will earn a high school science credit in Human Ecology. Students will be asked to complete written and oral assessments related to their nightly reading, field research and class discussions. At the same time, students will be actively involved – both physically and intellectually – in their learning experience. Educational opportunities during the day range from surveying mangrove creeks to exploring the land surrounding campus, learning about local plants and using them in their next meal to studying coral reef ecosystems while SCUBA diving in Marine Ecology class.

    Student routines includes the same physical challenge that our semester students embrace: five mornings of training each week culminating in an endurance event of running and swimming, the famed 'Monster Run-Swim’. Additionally, Summer Term students will venture out in kayaks and experience a 24-hour solo in order to reflect on their time on Eleuthera.