Volunteer Opportunities

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    Bike New York: Bike Education


    • Listing Type: Volunteer Opportunities
    • Category: Youth Outreach
    • Volunteer Type: Individual
    • Minimum Age: 16
    • Location:New York, New York
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    Age 16 or older? Help teach New Yorkers how to ride bikes! When you help a student make biking a part of their daily routine, it isn’t just their life that changes. 

    Our volunteers remark time and again on the profundity of witnessing the aha moment when a new biker really gets it, when a recreational rider realizes that a bicycle is much more than a toy, or when a long-time cyclist finally learns how to fix their bike. Volunteer at a Bike New York class and be a part of someone’s aha moment.

    Each volunteer shift is 3-4 hours long. Volunteers must attend a mandatory one-hour training session before volunteering at a class.