Volunteer Opportunities

    March 6 – Attend our FREE Gap Programs Virtual Fair!

    Boch Center: City Spotlights Teen Leadership Programs

    Boch Center: City Spotlights Teen Leadership Programs


    • Listing Type: Volunteer Opportunities
    • Category: Cultural Organizations
    • Volunteer Type: Individual, Administrator, Special Events, Other
    • Minimum Age: 14
    • Location:Boston, Massachusetts
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    The City Spotlights Teen Leadership Programs empower youth to become leaders in school, at home, and in their communities using their creative voices.

    We believe it is a right, not a privilege, for every young person to have a creative life, to experience art, to express themselves creatively regardless of skill level and/or socioeconomic status, and to develop their own creative capital. The leadership, community, and career development training that these programs provide creates a foundation for Teen Leaders to grow into adults who will champion change, drive innovation, and ensure our community’s long term vitality.