Volunteer Opportunities

    March 6 – Attend our FREE Gap Programs Virtual Fair!

    Friends of the Children NY

    Friends of the Children NY


    • Listing Type: Volunteer Opportunities
    • Category: Youth Outreach
    • Volunteer Type: Individual
    • Minimum Age: 17
    • Location:Manhattan, New York
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    Friends of the Children NY is a unique early intervention program dedicated to helping New York City's most at-risk children become productive, contributing members of their community. 

    We accomplish this by employing full-time youth advocates, called "Friends," to work one-on-one with our Achievers beginning in kindergarten and maintaining that relationship through high school graduation. Our goal is to get 100% of our Achievers to graduate from high school with a plan for their future, having avoided the juvenile justice system and having put off parenthood until adulthood.

    Afterschool Enrichment is an important aspect of our academic remediation and support services. Targeting our youngest Achievers (K to 3rd grade), volunteer tutors who work one-on-one with Achievers targeted for remediation.  The program reinforces our intensive youth advocacy approach.