Volunteer Opportunities

    March 6 – Attend our FREE Gap Programs Virtual Fair!

    Historic Speedwell – Counselors in Training

    Historic Speedwell – Counselors in Training


    • Listing Type: Volunteer Opportunities
    • Category: Cultural Organizations
    • Volunteer Type: Individual, Special Events
    • Minimum Age: 15
    • Location:Morris township, New Jersey
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    Historic Speedwell will preserve and interpret information and artifacts relating to the domestic and industrial life of Stephen Vail (1780-1864) and his family; the Speedwell Ironworks; and the perfection of the telegraph.

    Teenagers who enjoy the outdoors and working with young children can gain resume-building experience and knowledge by becoming CITs! For two weeks, CITs work with campers, are mentored by camp staff, and trained by the Manager of Education. Training topics include natural history, how to work with children, and a final leadership project. Interested teens need to complete an application and submit a letter of recommendation. Upon completion, CITs receive a certificate detailing their hours of service.