Volunteer Opportunities

    March 6 – Attend our FREE Gap Programs Virtual Fair!

    Jewish United Fund-Tov Teens

    Jewish United Fund-Tov Teens


    • Listing Type: Volunteer Opportunities
    • Category: Preserving the Environment
    • Volunteer Type: Individual
    • Minimum Age: 12
    • Location:Chicago, Illinois
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    The Tikkun Olam Volunteer (TOV) Network is JUF's connection point for people who want to donate their time to help others in need. In accordance with tikkun olam, the Jewish concept of repairing the world, TOV connects members of the Jewish community with rewarding volunteer opportunities that best meet their interests and needs.

    At Camp TOV, teens make a difference. They learn about a variety of issues facing our society -- poverty, hunger, environmental protection, care of the elderly and more. With an emphasis on Jewish values and the importance of gemilut chassadim-- acts of loving kindness and tikkun olam -- repairing the world -- teens use their time and energy to volunteer in a fun, engaging and hands-on way.

    Mini Camp TOV is the same great experience as Camp TOV, in a smaller package! It is a two-day program that takes Jewish teens around Chicagoland to several agencies to participate in a variety of hands-on volunteering projects. From combating hunger and homelessness, to caring for the environment, to brightening a young child's day when they are sick, Mini Camp TOV is a unique opportunity to make a difference.

    To learn more about camp dates and how to sign up, check out our website!