Volunteer Opportunities

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    Pony Power Therapies: Riding Lesson Volunteers

    Pony Power Therapies: Riding Lesson Volunteers


    • Listing Type: Volunteer Opportunities
    • Category: Health and Well Being, People with Disabilities
    • Volunteer Type: Individual, Supervised Group, Special Events, Other
    • Minimum Age: 14
    • Location:Mahwah, New Jersey
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    Pony Power Therapies is a non-profit organization that uses horses and an accessible farm to enhance the physical, social and emotional well-being of children and adults who need extra support.

    Volunteer at Pony Power:

    • Side Walker provides physical support to the rider during a lesson, helping them maintain a balanced position on the horse. Following the instrutor's direction, a side walker will often play an active role in helping riders complete various exercises (stretching, counting, and reaching).
    • Lead Walker handles the horse during a lesson. Following the instructor's direction, the lead walker will help, as needed, in steering and maintaining the horse's speed. Lead Walker volunteers should have previous horse experience.
    • Garden Crew work on weeding, mulching, watering, harvesting, and other garden related tasks as assigned by our Farm Manager. Opportunities are available 7 days a week from April to October/November. Morning shifts (10 - 11am) or afternoon (3 - 4 pm).

    Please visit our website for more information.