ARCC Gap Semester Programs
Multiple CountriesJoin us in the fall or spring semester for a unique blend of education, leadership, adventure, project-based learning, and cultural immersion! ARCC organizes Gap Semesters in Asia, Africa, Europe, Central America, Oceania, South America, and the United States. Each program is an educational semester (70 days) in a small group setting with a defined curriculum and leadership development component...(more)
I was nervous to send my daughter on this 3 week trip - but it turned into a trip of a lifetime for her. The two counselors were terrific - fun and well trained - and they did a phenomenal job of leading this group. She met lots of friends who she is still connected to. The days were action packed and so adventurous. The work days were fun because they were in it together and were able to see the results of their efforts. My daughter couldn't believe how fast the trip went and she returned home with more confidence and a sparkle in her eye about her next travel adventure!