Join a community of scientific and creative innovators for an exciting summer at Missouri S&T! Experience hands-on projects, scientific demonstrations, and more as you explore future careers in business, science, communication, math, technology, and engineering. Campers will have the opportunity to study explosives, tour a nuclear reactor, explore diverse engineering fields, create art, serve as environmentalists, travel to the edge of space, and prepare to become future STEM leaders.
Browse S&T Camps:
- Engineering with Biology
- Mechanical Crash Course
- Nuclear Engineering Camp
- Explosives Camp (Session 1)
- World War II Reenactment Camp
- Light in Our World Camp (Day Camp)
- Mining the Mind
- Jackling Introduction to Engineering (Session 1)
- Is It Alive? (Day Camp)
- Movie Makers (Evening Camp)
- Robotics Camp
- Jolt Junkies Reverse Engineering Camp
- Outdoor World: Urban and Rural
- Jackling Introduction to Engineering (Session 2)
- Explosives Camp (Session 2)
- Superconductor Quantum World
- Worms to Stars Camp
- Jackling Introduction to Engineering (Session 3)
- Discovering Chemistry
- Amusement Park Design Camp
- Esports Boot Camp
- Space - The Final Frontier
- CASE: Apocalypse - Building a New Tomorrow?
- Aerospace Camp
- Innovations in STEM Camp (iSTEM)
- Future City: Electrifying Your Future
- CyberMiner Camp
- ASM Exploring Materials in Your World Camp
- Energy Explorers (Day Camp)
- Miner Athletics Sports Camp
Choose your adventure—from robotics and engineering to amusement parks and eSports. Start exploring today and get ready for a summer of discovery and excitement. Browse our camp lineup, with options ranging from $275 to $1,500. Missouri S&T provides all meals, housing, and camp materials for overnight camps.